This page is specifically for Stake Pools, CNFT Projects and Developers that want to help our project and the overall focus of decentralization.
Email us to get started: trekcrypto@gmail.com
Content Creators and Builders who want to use their products to help this mission, or you wish to make a financial donation towards this project (any funds received will be staked to a small pool).
We will advertise your company/products on this page, with a short description and link to your website (in exchange for free stuff).
(*please note: this is not a tax-exempt charity, it's a guy on his computer...any gifts will receive a thank you email or tweet but not a tax-deductible receipt...sorry...that's on you to figure out with your accountant)
If you are a Stake Pool Owner, Content Creator, Builder or a Company utilizing Cardano as your platform, we will advertise for you here.
All we ask is that you commit to the following:
-Stake at Least 5,000 Ada to ANY small stake pool under 2 million in size (ideally one of ours)
-Share an Ada Handle for Wallet Transparency
-You Can Leave at Any Time (just let us know!)
(We will limit Allies listings to 36 at a time and rotate them approximately once a week in order to showcase all of the great stake pools and projects that are helping others)
(sample) 123ABC (Sponsor)
123ABC is a (fake) company that creates WhoseIts, WhatsIts and Widgets for the Cardano Blockchain.
They specifically commented as to how Super-Cool Rob seems to be and how SMOKIN' HOT his wife is, and they wanted to do their part to sustain this operation!
123ABC Business has graciously gifted decentralizedSTAKING w/ xxx Ada to support this mission.
(sample) PRETZEL Pool (Ally)
PRETZEL Pool, a (fake) Cardano Stake Pool.
PRETZEL has chosen to sponsor:
2TACOS Pool (location: Antarctica)
PRETZEL loves how 2TACOS Pool has a mission to feed all of the scientists in Antarctica tacos once a week as they labor to figure out science and stuff...
Wallet Address: xxxxxxxxxxx
Initial Stake: 5,022 Ada